Open enrollment occurs from January 1st thru March 31st. It is an opportunity for a individual on a Medicare Advantage plan (Medicare Part “C”) to get out of there plan and revert back to Original Medicare and a drug plan (Part “D”). Also, when a person changes back to Original Medicare they can purchase a Medicare Supplement (Medigap Plan) to pick up all or a portion that medicare doesn’t cover. You can also change to a different Medicare Advantage Plan.
There are several reasons why an individual might want to change back to original Medicare during Open Enrollment:
- The Medicare Advantage Plan is not what they thought it was when they signed up during Annual Enrollment (October 15th thru December 7th).
- The doctors they need are not in network for the Medicare Advantage Plan
- The Medicare Advantage is limited to a region or area, and not easily accepted every part of the state or country.
- The maximum out of pocket is too high.
- My doctor dropped the Medicare Advantage Plan and I am forced into choosing a new doctor.
- The Medicare Advantage plan doesn’t cover me when I travel (except in the case of an emergency).
- I just don’t like the Medicare Advantage plan once it started January 1st and desire to switch back to my old plan
If you have questions click the “contact me” button below and call me or send me a message, All consultations and advise are FREE.